Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Inspired 5 - Soft

What does SOFT look like, feel like, taste like, sound like, smell like? 

Ohhhh would you just look at that little face! Love!!

Soft looks like soft baby kitten fur, deliciously warm and fuzzy Mojo and Jesse kitty love.

Soft feels like cool sand between my toes on a warm autumn evening stroll on the beach.

It feels like the gentle flutter of chickadee wings against your skin when they trust you this much.

Soft tastes like moist and yummy Valentine cupcakes.

Soft sounds like a belly full of purrs.

It sounds like a gentle wind whispering through brilliant autumn leaves.

It sounds like the quiet beating of butterfly wings as she drinks sweet nectar.

Soft smells like softly falling snow on a chilly winter day.

It smells like summer rain.

And smells like slobbery tongued but still sweet (only because I love him) Tandem breath...

Next week....Love!


  1. Firstly....can I have a bite? Of that amazingly scrumptious delicious looking cupcake? Just one bite, with a red candy heart on it? Oh, how I love cupcakes. That one looks divine.

    I love all of these reflections on soft. The gentle flutter of a birds wing is the most precious thing. What a gift to have one land on your hand. Oh.

    And summer rain. Sigh. Any kind of rain nourishes my heart.

    And that third picture from the top? Holy cuteness!!!!!! Those great big eyes! I could just kiss him through my computer screen!!

    Love and hugs xoxo

  2. That's my Jesse when he was a tiny little furface. He's much bigger now and has turned into a handsome, loving cat. But ohhhh he was so cute back then...they both were. I miss the kitten days.

    You would love to walk through Petersfield Park with me, the birds would adore you. They zoom all around you, landing on your hands, fluttering past your face, they have no fear. Completely trusting. It's such a beautiful experience.

    No rain today...just heavy snow falling from the sky. The trees are weighed down with white. It's still as can be out there...barely a sound.

