Sunday, November 27, 2011

Winter is coming...

It snowed. As in 44cm snowed.

The next morning...

Quality time with the squirrels makes it seem not so bad...

School was cancelled, I had forgotten how much snow days rock. We hibernated for two days till it finally warmed up. Today I ventured to the beach and made a new best friend...he is as tall as me when he jumps on me..and he's still just a pup...

Meet Hoss

and this beautiful hawk who was perched right beside me..
and weird cat tails getting ready for winter...

Back to school tomorrow...not thrilled about that even after 4 days off! haha Come onnnnn, December 16th!

Sunday, November 20, 2011


I'm still wearing flip flops. Have I mentioned that?
I go down kicking and screaming, dammit.

It's been inseasonably warm for the most part, but yesterday I woke up to a dusting of snow on the ground.

It was melted by noon, so it hasn't been all bleak so far. There is still warmth, autumn sunsets, and the lovely sound of leaves dancing down the streets.

November hasn't been all bad...and flannel pjs and cozy socks make me happy.

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Sometimes all a girl needs is a beach to herself...terns, seagulls and the gentle waves. To be able to walk in flip flops on November a gift in itself.

Today...I was grateful.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Fare thee well, love...

Summer is coming to a close....but I refuse to let go just yet...

leave it to me to find a small patch of wolfsbane...

just look at that blue...

magic after the rain..

the sea was angry that day, my friends, like an old man trying to send back soup in a deli...

lots of us capturing the beauty of hurricane irene..

well hello there..

and there was an outdoor Nazareth concert...

with my bestie, Char...the same concert we went to at 16...

and did I mention my baby turned 13?..

so while I cling to the remnants of summer...I know it's almost over...


Monday, August 15, 2011

Mermaid heart...

The sun finally came out this weekend. I say finally because this has been the worst summer I can remember. I went swimming for the first time on Saturday!! This mermaid doesn't do so well without water. So when the sun emerged, we all took to the beaches..we love summer here on the island..maybe because it's so fleeting. We soak up every second...this is a taste of my last few days...

Friday, August 5, 2011


What I love most about her is how completely unaware of how beautiful she is...she just doesn't get what we're all talking about. She has a pure heart, an innocence, an innate goodness that is so rare in this world...she's a ray of much fun to be around..

She was spinning and twirling...lost in the magic that is seventeen...

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Is this thing on?

It was pointed out to me that I have neglected my blog. Not mentioning any names *coughcoughMikecough* Kinda true. Not sure what the reason is aside from Flickr and Facebook being so much easier. What does that say about me? Am I seriously that level of lazy that I can't take 15 to 20 minutes to write a little something?


Yeah. Clearly I kinda am.

There have been lots of things going on in my life. Putting out fires, pondering forgiveness, and cursing the Gods for being so mean spirited this summer. Where is the sun? Where is the heat? Grrr.

I'll stop whining and just share some visuals of my "summer" thus far...

Seriously? You're out in the middle of the ocean on the sandbar..on your cell phone??? Cripes!'s sunshine! I took advantage while I could! *grumbles*

deep dark woods photoshoots have been fun..

Look Mike...just for you...a rusty ship! ;-)

Dude. This spider was a damn genius!!

Keeks on the beach boardwalk..

Did I mention all the effin' rain?

But there have been Kennington Cove days!

And a love note that left me starry eyed...

I promise to update more often and suck less xo and Jaime...if you're reading...I miss you so much!