Thursday, July 28, 2011

Is this thing on?

It was pointed out to me that I have neglected my blog. Not mentioning any names *coughcoughMikecough* Kinda true. Not sure what the reason is aside from Flickr and Facebook being so much easier. What does that say about me? Am I seriously that level of lazy that I can't take 15 to 20 minutes to write a little something?


Yeah. Clearly I kinda am.

There have been lots of things going on in my life. Putting out fires, pondering forgiveness, and cursing the Gods for being so mean spirited this summer. Where is the sun? Where is the heat? Grrr.

I'll stop whining and just share some visuals of my "summer" thus far...

Seriously? You're out in the middle of the ocean on the sandbar..on your cell phone??? Cripes!'s sunshine! I took advantage while I could! *grumbles*

deep dark woods photoshoots have been fun..

Look Mike...just for you...a rusty ship! ;-)

Dude. This spider was a damn genius!!

Keeks on the beach boardwalk..

Did I mention all the effin' rain?

But there have been Kennington Cove days!

And a love note that left me starry eyed...

I promise to update more often and suck less xo and Jaime...if you're reading...I miss you so much!


  1. So glad you've resumed your blog Kiersten! I must admit I didn't recognise you as 'Kiki on the beach'on flickr, as I just presumed Kiki must be some friend (doh). All makes sense now after seeing the same tatt in a more 'obvious' SP.

    I really love the that web as well (of course) as the rusty ship. But I think my fave has to be the 'FFS' - the fact that they are the wooden tiles and you can therefore see the little wet splashes makes all the difference. Really love the trees too, fabulous mood.

    Keep up the good work, but I do know what you mean. Blogs are a bit lonely compared to FB/flickr with their comparatively ready made audiences...

  2. awww...I am reading...a bit late perhaps, but that is my nature. I missed you too! And I am happy to see that I am not the only one who has been neglecting blog posting. are a most gifted writer, and so yeah, I'm gonna agree with have been lazy! Get writing, girl... don't make me come over there. Fall is coming so you are going to start to run out of excuses.

    That forest image is SOOOO BEAUTIFUL!!!!
    I think that is my most favourite ever of all your photos. I am going to have to get my butt over to flickr and hunt it down and save it as a favourite.
    And your spider comment made me laugh out loud. So funny. And so true! Some spiders just have an edge, I think.

